Glenn Lewis Discography Torrent Checked ^HOT^
The United Artists "Ultra Audio" Series started in 1960 and ran to 1962. Although the records wereissued in both mono (WW-7500 series) and stereo (WWS-8500 series, with the last three digits identicalfor the corresponding issues), the series was really aimed at the stereophile. Typical of the liner noteswas this description of "Steel Guitar Rag" from WWS-8503: "This tune starts with the unusual sound of acontra-bass clarinet (left) going to temple blocks (right) and bongos (left)." The descriptions of songsfollow the stereo field for the listener. In the section of the liner notes "About The Recording," we areencouraged to "Play it for its musical context, or play it - as a true audiophile will - to check your tweetersand your woofers."Many of the records in this series highlighted percussion, with early issues featuring musical instrumentsfar left and far right in the stereo field, sometimes alternating left and right with the rhythm. There waslittle in the way of centered music. This sort of early stereo mixing was dubbed "ping pong stereo" for theobvious analogy to the tabletop game as action went back and forth from left to right. The albums featured fold-open covers, and for the early issues the back cover was approximately aphoto negative of the front cover. Stereo issues had the "Wall to Wall Stereo" banner across the top,while mono issues had the "Wall to Wall Sound" across the bottom. Inside were liner notes about theartists, a listing of all the musicians on the recording (and their instruments), production credits, detailedstereo descriptions of the tracks, small photos of other albums in the series, and a diagram featuring thefrequency ranges of the various instruments. In fact, UA promoted these high-end records as "the finest recordings that can be made" in the followingblurb included as part of the liner notes:Ultra Audio Records - the Ultimate in Audio sound - are the finest recordings that can be made. Priorto the recording session every piece of equipment to be used, from the microphones to the tapemachines, is scrupulously checked to make certain it is in perfect working order. Extra care is taken inthe recording session to ensure as perfect audio reproduction as is electronically possible. Before thetapes from the sessions are transferred to acetate (from which the dies to mold this LP record aremade), they are listened to many times, so that the slightest flaw can be discovered and corrected. Nowfor the first time a newly developed system known as Ultra Audio Deep Etch, for controlling the verticalcomponent in mastering Stereophonic Records, is being exclusively used. This assures you of propertracking at all times. The records are pressed with exacting care, and the pressings are spot-checkedconstantly. Every Ultra Audio record is actually a hand-crafted product, produced under rigid supervisionto provide the finest in sound for your listening pleasure.The Ultra Audio Series had a special label with "United Artists Ultra Audio" as the logo, and "WALL TOWALL STEREO" around the top of the label (the mono issues had "WALL TO WALL SOUND" instead).Reissues of the series reverted to the regular UA label without the "Wall to Wall" banner at the top.We would appreciate any additions or corrections to this discography. Just send them to us via e-mail. Both Sides Now Publications is an informationweb page. We are not a catalog, nor can we provide the records listed below. We have no associationwith United Artists Records or EMI Records. Should you be interested in acquiring albums listed in thisdiscography (which are all out of print), we suggest you see our Frequently Asked Questions page and Follow theinstructions found there. This story and discography are copyright 2008 by Mike Callahan.
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